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1st Annual Chesterton Cookout



For centuries, the Catholic faithful have sung the Salve Regina during the season between Pentecost and Advent.  On Thursday evening, that hymn rang out in Goddard Park, where Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Hope hosted its first annual family cookout.  


Chanting the Salve Regina was a fitting expression of the Chesterton vision: to recover the treasures of our intellectual, cultural, and spiritual traditions, and to boldly renew all things in Christ through the intercession of the Mother of God.  


Having witnessed more than one hundred supporters gather together to advance our cause, we cannot help but give honor, praise, and glory to the Most Holy Trinity!


After speaking with dozens of interested families over sodas and hotdogs, we appreciate more than ever the importance of Chesterton Academy to the Catholic community in and around Rhode Island. 


There is an urgently felt need for a school where the formation of young minds and souls is undertaken with equal parts joy and seriousness, and where the eternal vocation of the human person is kept front and center.


Can we talk deeply to you for a moment, “heart speaking unto heart”, to quote St. John Henry Newman?  At Chesterton, we often make reference to beauty, truth, and goodness.  Why?


Beauty, because we believe that the divine radiance shines through culture and creation, captured by the arts and sciences alike, each of which has an elegance of its own. 


Truth, because we believe that reality is intelligible, being the fruit of the Word (Logos), and that we can and must arrive at accurate understanding through the exercise of philosophy and theology.


Goodness, because we believe that the grace of God can be observed, absorbed, and obtained through the study of literature and human affairs, and (above all) by the ancient practices of piety upon which our faith is built.


These convictions are the foundation of our commitment to those who would join us on this adventure: a commitment to do everything in our power to impart to our students the riches of the light of wisdom.


To those who attended the cookout, we offer our sincere thanks.  To those who were not able to make it, we hope that we will see you at another event in the near future.  To all, we pray that you will consider assisting our mission by donating, volunteering, or advocating on our behalf in your social circles.


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Ad maiorem Dei gloriam,

The Board of Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Hope

Later Event: October 23
Open House