Just over one hundred years ago, on Sunday, July 30th, 1922, G.K. Chesterton joined the Catholic Church. His conversion, example, writings, wit and wisdom have inspired generations, including Dale Ahlquist, founder of the Chesterton Society and co-founder of the first Chesterton Academy. When asked why he converted to Catholicism, G.K. Chesterton answered that there were ten thousand reasons, but they all amounted to the same reason. It was because “The Catholic Church is true.”
In much the same way, every board member, consultant, volunteer, donor, future parent and supporter of this effort has unique reasons for contributing to this mission. For some, it is for their children; for others, their grandchildren; and for others, a strong desire to bring to RI a Christ-centered educational environment fully faithful to the Magisterium. For all, it is a strong love for our Catholic faith. It is because "The Catholic Church is true."
In today's newsletter we share with you some exciting updates and extend an invite for a unique opportunity for you to personally join us in our mission. |
Chesterton Café & Capital Kickoff: During the month of July we held two Chesterton Café events in the morning and an evening Capital Kickoff. All of these gatherings were incredible opportunities for us to meet and hear from so many interested future students, parents, volunteers, teachers, and donors. You have energized, amazed, and humbled us with your passion and excitement.
Parent/Student Handbook: We completed and published the first version of our parent/student handbook. It is available for you to download on our website and includes details such as our mission, philosophy, academic expectations, and more.
501(c)(3) IRS Approval: Arriving in the mail (on no date other than July 30th) was a letter from the IRS informing us that our application for 501(c)(3) status was approved. This completes our request to be a fully tax exempt non-profit organization. All donations are now fully tax deductible.
With humble and contrite hearts we invite and encourage you to prayerfully consider how you can financially support our endeavor.
In honor and celebration of G.K. Chesterton's 100th anniversary of joining the Catholic Church we are announcing our Founding 100 fundraising campaign! The first 100 individuals, families, or groups to donate $1,000 (or more) will be perpetual members of the 'Founding 100' and will have their name engraved on a plaque that will be forever displayed in our school. Example engravings include "The Smith Family" or "Friends of St. Joe's Church". Learn more about this limited and exciting opportunity. These funds are especially critical in helping us maximize the matching funds currently made available to us via a generous anonymous donor.
As a work entirely of the lay faithful of the Catholic Church, we do not receive any financial support from state, local diocesan, or other entities. Thus, we rely solely on the generosity of people like you that recognize the need for a Chesterton Academy in Rhode Island.
Donation opportunities are available at any amount for one-time and reoccurring gifts. We are forever grateful for any contribution you are able to make at this time. As a donor you will be remembered in our daily Masses and prayers at convocation. There will also be a special Mass in your honor that will be offered on or near the Feast of Our Lady of Hope. |
I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act. - G.K. Chesterton |
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Chesterton Cookout! Details will be coming soon for a family gathering in late August. We look forward to the opportunity for families to come together and meet one another as we start to establish the Chesterton Academy community in RI. |
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Sincerely in Christ, The Board of Directors for Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Hope |
Please forward this newsletter to anyone you know that may be interested in learning more, sending their child, or financially supporting our efforts. |
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