Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia! So echo the joyful call and response in these weeks of the Easter season. And yet it can be difficult to experience the full, life-changing meaning of these words. Spring, after all, is a busy time, and it can be full of fatigue as we strive to “finish the race” and “win the crown” of another school year (cf. 2 Tim 4:7; 1 Cor 9:25). This difficulty is perhaps because Christ’s work established a kingdom that is, as has often been observed, both “already” and “not yet.” For this reason, the Church on earth lives in hope.
At Our Lady of Hope, many of us may be experiencing an analogous tension of “already, not yet.” With great excitement, we look forward to being together with other families, meeting new teachers, and setting off on a new adventure with a new community of friends. Along with this joyful expectation (“not yet”), we also see things already falling into place as we interview excellent candidates, plan the Gala, enroll new students, and continue to receive generous donations that bring us closer to our budget goals for the launch of the first year of our new school.
This Easter season, may the Holy Spirit grant each of us to experience more fully the knowledge that death really is once and for all destroyed and we are free. Christ’s victory over death gives new meaning to everything we do, as, in all our different places, we finish strong the races before us and look ahead to being together soon for the start of a new one. For it is true: Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!